Attic insulation is important to keep our house safe and healthy, and it also gives us control over the air coming into our home from the outside. Every now and then we will have to replace this important protection and means of control, as it usually doesn't last forever. But how will you know when it is time to replace it? Is there a specific and predetermined period of time in which it has to be replaced? Or does it vary from house to house? Here's some information to help you better decide when it is time to have your attic's insulation renewed.
Moving to a New House
When you move into a new home, whether it's completely new or one that was previously used, it is important to check the condition of its insulation (in the hopes that it has one) and ensure it is effective, before you actually settle in. You don't want to move into a house with your family only to discover it is not safe. Therefore, make sure any house you decided to buy or rent is inspected by professionals to make sure it is safe and clean.
Annual Check
It is also recommended to check the insulation's condition once a year. Most people prefer to call for their annual checkup before the holidays or right before winter, but it doesn't matter if you choose these times or any other time that's more convenient to you, as long as it takes place once a year.
Weather Damage
Extreme weather may cause damages to the attic's insulation, as wind, pouring rain and extremely hot weather can affect its intactness. That's why you should stick to regular self-inspection routines according to the weather conditions.
The Insulation's Condition
Bottom line, the insulation has to be replaced when it is no longer effective. Meaning there isn't a specific period of time in which you must replace it, but rather, it depends on its condition and what it has to endure. In some cases you'll have to replace it after one year and in other cases it will last for a few years. Another parameter to determine how long it lasts is the quality of its installation – the better and more professional it will be, the longer it will hold and the more effective it will be. So, when it is time to replace your house's attic insulation remember to call only for professionals.